15 Free WPMU DEV Plugins
We have 15 plugins available for free in the repository, including lite editions of our popular Membership and MarketPress plugins.
MarketPress – WordPress eCommerce offers a raft of features, including access to major payment gateways, support for major currencies, multiple shipping options, easy customization, powerful widgets and compatibility with Multisite.
Membership allows you to create a fully functional membership site, offering resources, forums, downloads, videos support and more, complete with two different levels of membership and customizations.
Our most popular plugin by far is WP Smush.it. WPMU DEV took over management of the plugin from Yahoo more than a year ago. The tool losslessly compresses images to reduce their size while ensuring they retain their visual quality.
Other plugins in our free collection include:
Wiki – Transforms your site into a fully functional wiki or add wiki pages to your blog.
Anti-Splog – Stop and kill splogs in WordPress Multisite.
BuddyPress Embed Activity – Gives your social network all the features and ease of Facebook when it comes to uploading and sharing media.
Chat – Add chat to your site. Chat with your visitors and let them chat with each other.
WordPress PopUp – Advertise your mailing list, special offer or simply to show ads is via a Javascript “pop over” on your site.
The Google+ Plugin – Integrate your site with your Google+ profile and/or page.
Google Maps All In One – Easily embed and customize Google maps in posts, pages or as an easy to use widget on your site.
Custom Admin Bar – Easily add your own link or logo to the WordPress Admin Bar.
Network Switch Button – Add a Network Admin / Site Admin button to the top right of your dashboard to speed up your navigation of your Multisite install.
Custom Admin Text Change – Change every single piece of translated text in your admin area.
Posterous Importer Advanced – Import posts, comments, tags, attachments, embeds and audio from a Posterous.com blog.
Our free plugins available for download in the repository, in addition to the dedicated time our support team spends in the WordPress Forums, are just just another way we give back to the WordPress community.